Ever feel like things you have to do are pointless?
Like fillingout paperwork, homework, making dinner.
It's like when you have a craving for something specific but you can't figure out what it is...
That craving just CAN'T be satisfied if you don't have the slightest clue what will to the trick.
Or am I the only one that ever feels this way?
I get so excited for the weekends. Granted I have homework to do now that school is up and running again, but until it's crunch time I know I'll have some quality Ali-time set aside too.
But then that down time comes and I'm bored. Sure I caught up on some Monk and snuggled into a movie with Jamie...but now what? There's a book sitting next to me that I want to start...but not that this exact moment.
What exactly will satisfy this desire to do SOMETHING right now?
I'm just at a loss.
On the up side, I figured out that If I double my classes for the first summer session, I can complete my practicum in the second session and finish up the last class in the Fall....which meeeeeaaans.....GRADUATING THIS DECEMBER! So I'm doing it. It will probably be the worst year of my life (if you can top last summer) but I'm pushing through. I need to do it for myself.
After I graduate I will invite everyone I know to some pub with wings and 250 kinds of beer and we will celebrate all night long!
Will you be ready?
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